Saturday, November 7, 2009

Should-a, Could-a, Would-a!

There are so many should-a, could-a, would-a's in life, that you can drive your self crazy thinking about those, for instance, I should-a posted a weekend eye candy, I could-a done it if I were more organized, and I would-a done it, but if I did, something else that needed doing would have fallen by the way side.

So I'm taking the easy way out today because I have to finish getting ready for the Rose Bowl craft show tomorrow. I recently had 2 professional photos taken of my work. They were taken by Marsha Thomas a friend and member of the PMC Guild. I'm so happy with the pictures that I had to share them with you. The first one is a water etched pendant made from PMC Standard. It is an eraser carved image that I did "a number" of years ago.

The next one is a new piece Made from Robert Dancik's Faux Bone. You can also see it in his FB Gallery along with some other really cool jewelry pieces. Just click on his name and you'll go there.

I've officially run out of time! Off to do things I SHOULD BE DOING! Hope you like the photos.


Alice Stroppel said...

Wow Michelle, that water etched pendant is really amazing. Way out of my realm of ability. And the is stunning.

Anonymous said...

Love the new photos. Your work is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
Penni Jo

Maggie Bergman said...

Beautiful pieces Michelle!

Unknown said...

Thank you Alice, Penni Jo and Maggie. I'm glad you like the work. And thanks for just looking from time to time!

Paige said...

I finally blogged. With all the great new stuff you've been making a blog post would be much loved.

I hope class went well the other day.