Sunday, September 6, 2009

Weekend Eye Candy, Inspirations

1. Is Time Linear?, 2. Metropolis, 3. Round and Round, 4. Phidippus mystaceus, 5. Against the Colors, 6. silent white... ♫ egrets from bali ♫♫, 7. Hypnosis, 8. All those lines..., 9.Chandigarh Legislative Assembly

This week I'm focusing on inspirations. I love black and white polymer canes, really graphic designs and geometric shapes. Sometimes when I need inspiration I look at pictures. Pictures of anything and everything!
So I went on the hunt for some photos that could be inspiring. If you look at a good black and white photo and squint so that you are not seeing the detail anymore, it might reveal some interesting shape and give you inspiration to create.
Also, when looking at something you just made and wonder if it needs something else or if it is a balanced design, squint while looking at it...... it really helps. Also turn it in all directions. If it looks good upside down, etc. that is a pretty good indicator that it is balanced.
I also find photos of architecture at interesting angles good places to start a design, a painting or whatever your next project is.
So have fun squinting, and don't worry about the wrinkles...... hah!
I'd love to hear what inspires you, where you get your inspiration from, or if any of these images gave you inspiration to start a project.
Check out Lora's and Paige's blog for inspirations and new Eye Candy picks.


Lora Hart said...

Mmm... Yummy. That off center bulls eye ( Round and Round) is really appealing. But the stork is fabulous too. Lots of great shapes to contemplate here.

Alice Stroppel said...

I'm with you Michelle, I love black and white. these images are spot on. Thank you.