Saturday, August 15, 2009

Weekend Eye Candy, Color and Whimsy Edition

1. Retroteapot1, 2. 2retrolady_teapot1, 3. bugs, 4. dragonflies, 5. ladies, 6. Frog&Orchid teapot, 7. DSC01208, 8. a_lady2, 9. Bunch o' Cats, 10. frogteapot08_4, 11. retrolady08_7, 12. retro genie teapot5

While trying to figure out what to post as my weekend eye candy, I came across this woman's work on Flickr. I don't know her and have never seen her work before. I think she raises color and whimsy to a new level. Her execution is flawless, and her canes are the same.

I couldn't fit all of her work in this mosaic, so do go visit her Flickr site Wanda's Designs and browse. Click on any of the links and it will take you there

Also check out Lora's blog for a really different take on polymer clay.


Lora Hart said...

These are *fabulous*! I'm running to look at her site. So great, thanks for posting.

Paige said...

These are amazing love those teapots. I bet all that happiness makes the tea taste better.

Paige said...

Hi i still have no out-going mail here. I'll be home on Sunday at midnight, can't wait to see you. I've kept up to date and will call you Monday so we can talk.

Alice Stroppel said...

Wow! This artist is right up my alley. Thanks Michelle for sharing her with us.